The Brand Medication Usage Report identifies your top brand names, movers, and partners. It allows you to quickly select different ranges and dates using the date picker. Extra filter options and settings can be accessed by clicking on the Phox filter button. You can reset all filters and date ranges to defaults by clicking the Reset Filters button. This report provides a dynamic breakdown of your location's brand name manufacturers' usage, organized by highest cost, and also includes a dynamic breakdown of your location's brand drug usage, organized by highest cost. The line chart shows a month-by-month breakdown of your pharmacy spending on the selected manufacturer.
1. Accessing the Report
Log in to your dashboard.
Navigate to the "Sales" section.
Select "Brand" from the list of available reports.
2. Using the Date Picker
Locate the date picker at the top of the report.
Click on the date picker to open the calendar.
Select the desired start and end dates for the report.
The report will update automatically to reflect the selected date range.
3. Using the Phox Filter Button
Locate the Phox filter button on the report interface.
Click on the Phox filter button to open the filter options.
Select the desired filters such as manufacturer, drug type, or cost range.
Apply the filters to update the report according to your selected criteria.
4. Resetting Filters
To reset all filters and date ranges to their default settings, locate the "Reset Filters" button.
Click on the "Reset Filters" button.
The report will revert to its default state, displaying data without any custom filters.
5. Interpreting the Report
The report displays a breakdown of your location's brand name manufacturers' usage, organized by highest cost.
Identify the top manufacturers that have the highest impact on your bottom line.
Click on a manufacturer name within the report to filter your spending data to that specific manufacturer.
The report also includes a breakdown of brand drug usage, organized by highest cost, highlighting the most impactful molecules.
6. Using the Line Chart
The line chart at the bottom of the report shows a month-by-month breakdown of your pharmacy spending on the selected manufacturer.
Analyze the trends to understand your spending patterns over time.
Use this information to optimize your purchasing and inventory strategies.
By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Brand Medication Usage Report to gain insights into your pharmacy's spending and identify areas for optimization.